Certificate upgrade PCCCM to FCCCM & FCCCM to AFIC for 2023, 2024 batches

Date & Time : 06-10-2024 (9:00 am) to 20-10-2024 (11:55 pm)

Venue: NA

Description: STRICTLY for candidates who passed the PCCCM and FCCCM exams in year 2023 or 2024. 
PCCCM will be upgraded to FCCCM
FCCCM will be upgraded to AFIC
Subject to return of ORIGICAL ISSUED CERTIFICATES before 20 October 2024 at the address provided in Google form for this purpose
Google form link:   https://forms.gle/fdqWK4GXcmJFkYvAA


Registration cost of the training program is as follows:
Rs. 5,000.00 for For single certificate upgradation (Either PCCCM or FCCCM)
Rs. 8,000.00 for 2 Certificate upgradation (1 PCCCM and 1 FCCCM)

To register for this training program click below button

Register for this Training program